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IEEE 1450.4:2017 IEEE Standard for Extensions to Standard Test Interface Language (STIL) (IEEE Std 1450-1999) for Test Flow Specification
IEEE 1003.1:2017 IEEE Approved Draft Standard for Information Technology - Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX(R))
IEEE 387:2017 IEEE Standard for Criteria for Diesel Generator Units Applied as Standby Power Supplies for Nuclear Power Generating Stations
IEEE 11073-10419:2017 Health informatics - Personal health device communication - Part 10419: Device Specialization - Insulin Pump
IEEE 802.15.3f:2017 IEEE Standard for High Data Rate Wireless Multi-Media Networks Amendment 3: Extending the Physical Layer (PHY) Specification for Millimeter Wave to Operate from 57.0 GHz to 71 GHz
IEEE 1450TM SERIES BUNDLE:2018 IEEE Test Interface (STIL) and Memory Core Test Language - IEEE 1450(TM) Series (Bundle)
IEEE 1609.2A:2017 IEEE Standard for Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments - Security Services for Applications and Management Messages - Amendment 1
IEEE 63147:2017 IEEE/IEC International Standard - Criteria for accident monitoring instrumentation for nuclear power generating stations
IEEE 802.15.10:2017 IEEE Recommended Practice for Routing Packets in IEEE 802.15.4 Dynamically Changing Wireless Networks
IEEE C 63.15:2017 American National Standard Recommended Practice for the Immunity Measurement of Electrical and Electronic Equipment
IEEE 802.15.3:2016 IEEE Standard for High Data Rate Wireless Multi-Media Networks